June 17, 2013

Red Pants Studio is a leading provider of creative images, rooted in interiors photography, with a passion for portraits, and a unique perspective on life around us.

We are holding nothing back for this round. We will have 4 unique prints on display starting June 20th at the show room of William and Wayne, in the Seattle Design center. (www.williamandwayne.com)  Come by for the third Thursday art show, and meet William and Wayne and Drew Rice too.

Feathered will be
 3) 16” X 24”
1)  12” X 24”

All 4 are printing as high gloss on metal. They have 1/8” rounded corners, with ½” float mount hangers, giving your prints ½” clearance from the wall.

Stay tuned for more on your opportunity to buy these limited edition prints.   

Covered bridge  I 

June 4, 2013

behind the scenes.

Thanks to all who made this possible and so much fun. 

Thanks to the Seniors for encouraging, and sharing hope. Y'all rock.
You are true inspirations.  
Special thanks
John for making sure these BTS images happened, and all the work... 
To our two other photographers, Thanks! They did all the work. I just played. 
Urban Lights Studio, Thanks for having us.
All who are unnamed! Thank you so very much. You know who you are ANON and friends
You made this all happen.
Enjoy the video