January 28, 2013

Collette Collins Design / ENCAUSTIHYDE

"The process of working with Collette Collins Design is like meeting with Louis Vuitton before your big event and taking your pick from his designs—and then suggesting changes tailored just for you. In the world of architecture, the architect designs your home, or dress—if you will—, but Collette Collins designs the “accessories” that make your home more “you.”
Collette Collins is a designer and builder of unique sculptural furniture, cabinetry, and decorative wall coverings; including mirrors, work stations, and housing for appliances.Because she is not attached to just one medium, Collette draws from a broad body of knowledge to design using diverse materials, from exotic hardwoods to beeswax-and-leather encaustics; rubber, fabric, lead to suede and acrylic. This adaptability in her one-of-a-kind designs is also what enables Collette to integrate salvage material into her fashionable, cutting-edge pieces."
For the last two years I have worked with just a few of the product lines that this talented female artist, designer, builder, and creative thinker has produced. It has been a real honor to shoot these product / art pieces, with her and for her. 
For more of Collette's line-up.
Drop by her web-site at www.collettecollinsdesign.com
Or stop by the awesome showroom of William and Wayne in the Seattle Design Center.

January 24, 2013

A day out

On a day out with my daughter we found our way to the Olympic sculpture garden and a great little cafe down the street.

January 23, 2013

A neighborhood, and the value of art

I had the great delight of shooting in Stonegate neighborhood today, thanks to Sue Lunsford of Windermere real-estate.
We got off to an early start, which allowed me to stop for set of pictures of the entry to the neighborhood, the great park, and the recently commissioned art-work inside the playground. Although you will need to watch the virtual tour of the home to see those great images, pictured here is great sculpture found just across the street from the park.

Thanks Stonegate community in Renton, WA. for the value you put on art in your neighborhood.

January 21, 2013

Ray Merriwether

      Right away I was drawn to this home. It could have been its mid-century modern style, and the simple lines, or the part of history that it expressed. However it was the windows in the rear that really grabbed my attention. The smooth curve of the living room and back porch seemed to hug Lake Washington and the distant City of Seattle. 

January 8, 2013

2012 year end review

Taking a look back through 2012 has been great. I am at a loss for words at how fortunate I am as a photographer, and how honored I am to have the opportunity to shoot for so many great clients. This past year I had the opportunity to capture so many great spaces, and many beautiful faces. Thanks to all who opened these spaces up to Red Pants Studio, and to those who showed their great smiles. I look forward to 2013.